
What should you do to keep your phone safe this Holi?

What should you do to keep your phone safe this Holi?

'Holi,' the festival of colours, is just around the corner. It is a thrilling time for everyone. People are busy deciding what to wear, what colour to use, and where to party. But, most importantly, your phone. The phone is the most important device in everybody's life.


Without a phone, you won't live life as normal. The phone allows us to communicate with other people who share our interests. With it, you can think of what to post on social media. After all, it's the day for you to put some colourful pictures on your Instagram or Facebook stories. You want to show what fun you have done with your family or friends. Excited, right? But, keep in mind that you will need to be extra careful with your cell phone on that day to avoid holi mishaps even if you have the possibility of Mobile Phone Repair. Agree?


If you have a phone that can handle most of what is thrown at it, you don’t have to worry about its damage. But, conversely, this can also be the case when your high-end smartphone likely does not have any built-in protection. In this festival of colours, moisture (in fact, buckets of water) can pose a threat to your phone. Keeping this in mind, we've provided some simple and helpful tips to help you keep your phone safe during Holi. Let's find out

Pouch with Ziplock


A plastic ziplock bag may be the most affordable solution to protect your smartphone from getting coloured or wet. It may even extend the life of your smartphone. Mobile phones can become damaged by water or colour stains, and people look for a mobile repair shop near to them to get them fixed. This is where products like water-resistant pouches or ziplock bags will protect your expensive cell phone against colouring damage. Indeed, a zip lock bag will keep your valuable device waterproof after you seal it. They are often found in kitchens; if not, you'll need to purchase some to seal your phone. This way, your phone is safe in your pocket or hand, even if someone throws water on you. In addition, you won't have to look for phone repairs when you have these pouches that are not expensive and easily available.

Wrap your phone in a balloon


Holi is a time for balloons, isn't it? They are filled with coloured water, bursting with colour when thrown at people. As a safety wrap, you could use a balloon and expand it to cover your phone while exposing only the back. You can make a waterproof case for your phone with just one balloon in just a few minutes. Make your DIY mobile cover by blowing up a balloon. Inflate the balloon, turn it around so the screen is facing down, and place your phone on it. Now deflate the balloon slowly so that once the air inside the balloon is fully released, your phone will be covered in rubber skin.



Consider using a spare phone


If you have an old phone or can afford not to display your brand-new phone at the Holi bash, you might want to change your phone for the day. That might seem a bit strange at first, but everyone has a spare mobile phone that we used to be addicted to. Later on, you got a new phone, and the old gadget was broken. You probably haven't seen the old phone for a long time. Just out of convenience, you can keep in touch with your family and friends when you have a spare mobile. If you do that, you will be able to enjoy Holi's vibrant colours without worrying about losing your phone.



Keep your phone's open areas hidden


If you do not have time to buy a pouch or an empty balloon, use a plastic pouch to hide the open areas of your phone. Tape the edges of the pouch over the micro USB port, headphone jack, and speaker grill to conceal them. Although this is not a foolproof solution, you might be able to save the phone's inner workings from water.



Spray-on Nanocoating


DIY sprays provide a layer of waterproofing and give your smartphone the lotus effect. This is an easy method with a lasting effect. When used properly, one application of Nano state Flash Flood is effective for 6-12 months. Several sites offer other options as well.



How should you handle a wet phone during Holi?


You can save your phone after getting water damage during Holi by doing the following:

In the first place, as a phone user, you should not use your hairdryers at all to dry your handsets. A phone's components will likely be burned out if you use one. Thus, it shouldn't be used.


Don't panic the next time you drop your phone in the water. Your phone can be placed overnight in a plastic container or ziplock bag filled with dry, uncooked rice to absorb any liquid inside. To avoid accidentally falling asleep with your phone in your pocket, it's best to move the phone at intervals. Your phone will run down any remaining water in it by doing this. On the other hand, silica bags are also a good alternative to rice since they are absorbent.


In some cases, basic steps may save the phone. However, if it still isn't working after following those steps, Buzzmeeh is always happy to help. Let Buzzmeeh have your doorstep mobile repair! You can call our Mobile Screen Repair services for any damage your phone sustained during Holi.


Whenever you need a mobile or any gadget repair, we'll come to your home and fix your phone right there on the spot. So you need to bring your smartphone when we come to replace your screen.


Buzzmeeh is India's most trusted and independent company that offers smart device repair services. So, whether it's iPhone Repair at Home, iPad Repair at Home, Apple Watch Screen Repair, OnePlus Screen Repair or any other gadget, Buzzmeeh makes sure to deliver a professional doorstep service that creates transparency.

Contact our team of professional iPhone Repair at Home!



Published By Buzzmeeh Doorstep Repair Service Provider



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